Sunken Cities Club is a call to action. We’re uniting in the name of climate protection, demanding change in how we confront extreme weather events and drawing attention to the very real perils of rising sea levels.
We’re striving to go beyond stats and figures, using videos to visualise the devastation of severe flooding experienced in cities around the world over recent years. Sunken Cities Club presents a series of YouTube-sourced clips that underline the severity of these events from a human perspective. This is complimented by data sourced from Second Sea. Through these means, we aim to gather support for our manifesto that calls for change in the way we build and adapt our coastal cities to become more resilient to climate change. 

Behind the project is Fragile, a Copenhagen-based concept and venture studio founded in 2022 that strives to enable resilient and better lives for future generations. For questions or comments you can write hello@fragile.global.