Severe storms and floods are wreaking havoc around the globe. This year alone, these extreme weather events have devastated millions of lives and destroyed infrastructure worth hundreds of billions.

As the climate crisis intensifies, so too will these tragedies.

We must adapt our behaviour to avoid standing on Noah’s Ark, searching for a white dove with an olive branch. We must detach ourselves from fossil fuels, reduce our carbon footprint, and support reforestation.

This requires a shift in both legislation and mindset. Instead of seeing ourselves as separate from nature, we should embrace our entanglement with the environment. Earth's surface is two-thirds water and our bodies are made up of two-thirds water. It’s no coincidence — water is life.
If the Ancient Egyptians were able to build the pyramids with a water-based system in the desert, imagine what we could build if we started to rise with the water instead of fighting the tide.

That’s why we are currently developing a modular, floating system for building on water. For the 150 million people projected to live below the high-tide line by 2050, it could be the difference between sinking and staying afloat.

We believe floating architecture can make our coastal cities more resilient. If nothing else, it offers an alternative to the environmentally harmful practice of land reclamation.

If you want to join our effort in living with water, you can show your support by signing the letter.